Useful Resources


Collections of Peacebuilding Resources:

Alliance for Peacebuilding

A coalition of organizations and professionals working together on sustainable peace and security issues worldwide.

Coalition for Work With Psychotrauma and Peace

An organization based in Vukovar, Croatia, that works at the level of the individual, the family, the group, the community and the society.  The CWWPP website offers an extensive list of links and resources.

Peacebuild – The Canadian Peacebuilding Network

A network of Canadian non-governmental organizations, institutions, academics and individuals engaged in a wide range of activities related to addressed the causes and consequences of violent conflict.

Peacebuilding Portal

A database containing peacebuilding initiatives undertaken by non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, networks, taskforces.  The user can search by keyword or search by geographical region or organization.

Peacemakers Trust

A charitable organization dedicated to research and conflict transformation; provides a valuable resources portal with links to education and training resources, organizations’ websites, and many other useful tools.

Journals and Magazines:

Journal of Peacebuilding and Development –