Promotion of Health and Peace

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Peace for Health – Health for Peace

Written by Anthea Darychuk, InterChange GTA, Canada

Peace and Health are interchangeable and reinforcing concepts. One is not complete without the other. And without both peaceful environments and secure well-being, individuals, communities and ecosystems are not sustainable.

As one who is involved in both public health work and community peacebuilding I have long seen how both lines of work complement and reinforce one another. After traveling throughout Latin America, and now with experiences in the Middle East, I am again reminded that in promoting health, we promote peace.  Primary health services lay the foundation for community participation and involvement.  In turn, these reinforce individuals’ commitment to sustaining local health initiatives and supporting activities that protect basic human rights.

Share your experience!

InterChange works to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and resources, and to build relationships.  We are now looking for your personal stories and resources on the intersection of peace and health.  We welcome anyone and everyone working in this field.

It is hoped that this column will enable people involved in InterChange and the wider peacebuilding community to learn about each other and build the strong relationships we need to holistically and meaningfully work for peace and health.

Please contact Anthea Darychuk to make a submission, discuss your ideas, provide translations, or share resources: