Membership Confidentiality Policy

Approved April 20, 2008

InterChange’s mission is to foster and make visible community-based peacebuilding around the world. We are a growing, united, and diverse group of community-based peacebuilders who share knowledge, collaborate on educational and research projects, and support one another with the aim of nurturing and developing dynamic, durable and positive peace.

Sharing of Personal Information

The development of an active and thriving network requires that InterChange members understand one another’s interests and activities and that members are in contact with one another. For this purpose InterChange collects information about its members, including their name, email, address, location of work, interests, committee involvement, project involvement, and other information to facilitate communication and coordination within the network.

Relevant information that members provide about themselves will only be shared with other members of InterChange and will not be shared outside of the organization. If members do not want their personal information to be shared with other members they should contact the InterChange membership coordinator at

Members are, in turn, asked to keep information about other members confidential and to only use it for InterChange network purposes. For instance members will not add other members’ emails to external listserves without permission.

Further Inquiries

If you have any questions about InterChange’s Membership Confidentiality Policy or concerns about the way personal information is being used, please contact us at